KILLERS OF A RELATIONSHIP DREAM (pt4) - Regen Relationship Clinic
REGEN Relationship/Marriage Tip
God Himself saw the need for Eve to be made for Adam and He knew the exact woman that would complement Adam well. When Eve misled Adam to eat the forbidden fruit, thereby luring Adam to receive a lot of curses from God, Adam did not because of that divorce Eve, it was because she was a complete match for him. Many rely on their knowledge and choose by sight. In no distant time, the challenges of life come or the difference between them surface, they cannot withstand it than to break apart. (Prov 3:5……Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding). God must be the author of your relationship if it must realize marital dreams, He must be the one who has led you through that assurance and feeling. In such manner, no matter the hard times or differences between you both, there would be no separation or breakup
God can lead you in choosing, the devil can lead you, and your 5 senses can lead you. But whatever leads you, your choice will be tested someday,...............
To be contd....
........ (Mike David Dare)
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(All write-ups are CAC-registered 4 REGEN under STRAITGATE MUSIC - 002852)
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