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    ***HUNTING SHADOWS 10***
1. OUR MOUTH (utterances) : discussed
2. OUR ACTIONS ......
* HEART BREAK: There's a consequence to  broken promises or vows (Ecc 5:5).
YOU PROMISED NEVER TO LEAVE HIM & YOU SEALED IT WITH SEX (which blood covenant is other than that?)
THE LADY COMMITTED SUICIDE BECAUSE YOU JILTED HER, OR SHE LOST HER WOMANHOOD TO ABORTION FOR YOU. If consequence hasn't come around yet,  it looms. Unless you break it now with the greater covenant in Jesus' Blood.
God fights for the true broken hearted & devil advocates punishment for breaking Canal laws in every dirty relationship game.
Think before you say "Yes I will",  "yes I do" that word is heavier than you imagine.
........2b contd
............. Mike David Dare


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