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“How far, what did he say?” Promise asked Rachael as she entered.
“Abortion.” She replied.
“What? No way! How could he have suggested such a thing? Don‟t you know that is murder?” 
“I just walked out of his sight, Promise.” She continued her tears.
“Stop crying, Rachael! Let‟s look for the solution to this mess, not to start shedding tears!”
“What do I do, Promise? What do I do? My parents must not hear about this, no one else must know… you know this!”
Promise swallowed. “Just calm down. You know you will still go home, but you shouldn‟t let it be obvious now.”
“How do I even tell them? I was thinking of running away, Promise.”
“You definitely can‟t run away. We have to face this.”
“I am the one who will face it, Promise. Not you! I am the Pastor‟s daughter, not you!”
“Will you keep calm!” Promise shouted. “My parents can walk in at any time, they must not meet you this way and you know that.” “What do I do?” She asked again.
“I am as confused as you are.”
“I think that abortion will still be the final case. I cannot face all these.. I just can‟t!”
“You cannot abort this baby, Rachael. You also know this is murder. You are just killing an innocent child who God has purpose for. Just imagine if you were also aborted!”
“But there is no other escape route! I can always ask for forgiveness, Promise.”
“That is a stupid mentality, Rachael. I can‟t let this happen. Asides that, do you know the number of people who die through abortion? Sam will continue with his life and you will be left alone.. in hell fire!”
“I can‟t die. God‟s plan for me is not to die.”
“God‟s plan for the baby is to live too and not to be aborted, Rachael! If you tamper with his plan, you have automatically tampered with your life.”

“Oh no!” She continued her journey… tears. 

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