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BY Mike David Dare (Mr REGEN)

We often hear; "marriage is the only school you are presented your certificate on admission". This means, "go and work out the credits".

Unfortunately, because we have the certificate already, we become lazy, we don't study, we don't put extra effort into that relationship/marriage. It's just a matter of little-time, we involve in assumed roles, based on what is good for individual, not the collective. We neither  grow nor make the other person grow, instead we delightfully play blame games, while we should jointly address inappropriate attitudes.

If the certificate, (the reward for a good marriage) was kept till later, only for the successful family builders, maybe we would wisely invested our money, time, prayer, commitment & faithfulness.
We would read and study hard to get a better marital degree.

But many wouldn't, because  "the certificate was already awarded"....
*....... To be cont'd*


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