STOP IT! .....Abiodun E. Oyedele
Everyone wants to get to the top in life; nobody likes to occupy the lower cadre; we all aim to be at the top. But then, we can't get to the top until we stop doing some things. Just as some things must stop, then, some other things must start. Whom you are today, is a product of the things you have done before now.
I write to you little children, it could be true that sometimes the task ahead of you is much and very difficult for you to handle at ones. I know your plight, I know how you wish to be in a home like that other friend of yours. But as little children, obeying your parents shouldn't be too hard for you to do. If anyone of you is ever found looking at his or her parents disgustingly, such a child has already defined his or her future.
I want you to know, that you cannot be a little child forever, so you must not ignore the things you need to know at this time. Get your parents' blessings; for that will do you much more good than a curse. If you are fond of stealing from your parents' purse, I beseech you to stop it; you cannot actually get to the top by stealing. Any height you reach in life with cheating cannot give you a lasting peace. Stop it! Stop stealing from mummy's purse.
I write to you liars, for I know that nature has taught you that lying is the easiest way to escape punishment, but then I wish to inform you that whatsoever escape route that lying presents to you is a trap that will bound you and present you for a greater punishment. Lying kids cannot get to the top if they don't stop lying. Whatsoever height lies take you to, you would soon fall to the ground because your lies would soon be uncovered. Lies are usually wrapped in weak containers which bursts open in a matter of time.
I don't know how to address you parents, for I know that you are the cause of the Social vices in the society today. You are all products of what your own parents taught you, what kind of legacy are you laying down to your children? You are part of the foundation laying of the youths that are not giving our society peace today. You abandoned them at their young age to take decisions that they don't even understand. You happened to be a drunkard, but now you are not happy that your young man is a drug addict. Who taught him?
Oh you woman, the home builder! I can see how you are building that home with deceit and total disrespect. The reason why you have caused your daughter marital sorrows and instability is because when she was with you she never saw you show any regard for your husband. You taught her whatsoever she is exhibiting now, for when she was with you, it was obvious to her that there's another man that can touch you the way Daddy does. Now you are nagging and complaining that she's a guys freak; it was just the legacy that you left behind.
Oh you parents that cannot call yourselves good names before your children, how would you ever expect that child to understand true love? Anytime she did anything wrong, the first thing that comes out of your mouth are curses. If you kept speaking misfortune to your children's life; how then would your burial look like? Stop it! Raining curses on a child does no good to him or her, neither would it profit you as parents. Haven't you read, that the power of life and death is in the tongue?
Young man, my beautiful lady, come closer, let me pour out my mind to you. I know how you feel. I know that your muscles are experimental, and how inquisitive you are for every knowledge. I know that you are so much interested in knowing why some things appear the way they are and not just the other way round. I know that nature has lied to you, and has taken you into mental slavery. I know that you usually ask yourself why the Creator would give you sexual orgies as a child when He knows you don't need them yet. I know how you feel when you see the opposite sex.
But then, I beseech you to understand the fact that the decisions you make today will go a long way to determine what you would live with forever. You see, invest your energy now into things that are productive for time is coming when the strength will no longer be there like you have in abundance now.
My beautiful adoring angel, I know how you wake up daily to admire your breasts. But then, I need you to compare yours with that of your old grandma. Hers also used to be like yours; they were not flat like that when she was young. Just as your breasts are standing as juicy grapes on an almond tree, so also was that of your grandma who is now a product of the decisions she made at your age. I know you are facing a lot of pressures from guys, but sex before marriage is not a good foundation that you should lay for your future; stop it! You cannot continue to appear holy publicly but fornicating privately. Stop it! It's an abomination.
Murderer! You kept on flushing away the semens before they fertilize to cover up your sexual sins. You say to yourself, "that's not abortion but a preventive measure". My dear, whether the "prevention" takes place earlier or late, flushing away an unborn baby or babies is nothing but Murderer. Stop it! If you are not ready to raise a child, don't have sex. If you are super-sexually active, get married. Sex is not a way of expressing love, if it is, prostitutes should be in the best position to talk about love. Sex is not a game, but it can knock you out of the race of life before your time!
Let me take my time to talk to you leaders. You have continued to appear like a super-boss to your subordinates. You make them serve your organization under intense pressure. Frowning does not make a job done faster, it only makes the worker age faster. Start smiling; stop frowning.
Even though I do not know why I'm writing what I'm writing, but I hope somebody there reads it and get blessed. Thanks to the assignment that inspired this post.
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